بواسطةMada Admin | 6 سبتمبر 2024

Annual Newsletter 2022

Mada Al-Carmel (Arab Center for Applied Social Research) is honored to present to you the 2022 Annual Newsletter summarizing Mada Al-Carmel’s activities throughout the year.

Mada Al-Carmel aims to serve as a Palestinian academic platform that produces useful and in-depth knowledge and to play a significant role in the development of a new generation of male and female Palestinian researchers in various fields of the human and social sciences, particularly those studying Palestinian citizens of Israel. Mada Al-Carmel seeks to merge theoretical studies and applied research, address issues of general theoretical knowledge, analyze relevant political and social affairs, make knowledge available to all segments of society, and serve as a point of contact and source of support for Palestinian researchers and students.


To read the Newsletter, click here.






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